Some of us are constrained by odd work shifts, children or any number of reasons where going to the gym or health club is difficult. Losing weight boils down to one truth, what you eat and your daily exercise. Wanting to change is the first obstacle you must tackle. If you have the desire you CAN DO IT with a few simple changes, you can lose weight from the comfort of your own home.
when you eat food, your body converts the food into energy, a.k.a. the DREDDED CALORIE. Throughout the day you burn these calories, but if you have excess, you gain weight. Calculate how many calories you are taking in on average each day. Now start simply by reducing your caloric intake by 500. This seems like a lot, but if you know what you eat each day, this is easy. Foregoing the donut, cake, cookies, or even switching to nonfat creamer for your coffee can save you those calories without being missed too much. This simple change will drop you by one pound a week without doing a drop of exercise. 1 pound a week for one year equals 52 POUNDS!!!!
when you eat food, your body converts the food into energy, a.k.a. the DREDDED CALORIE. Throughout the day you burn these calories, but if you have excess, you gain weight. Calculate how many calories you are taking in on average each day. Now start simply by reducing your caloric intake by 500. This seems like a lot, but if you know what you eat each day, this is easy. Foregoing the donut, cake, cookies, or even switching to nonfat creamer for your coffee can save you those calories without being missed too much. This simple change will drop you by one pound a week without doing a drop of exercise. 1 pound a week for one year equals 52 POUNDS!!!!
CHANGE 2: Make better meal choices
PLAN! PLAN! PLAN! When you work a full time job or wrangling kids all day, the last thing you feel like is cooking a meal. So you fall into the trap of going to the fast food joints where each meal is usually run from 700 to 2000 calories. However, reheating food doesn't seem terrible does it? By cooking all of your meals on your day off for the week, you can come home and reheat saving yourself huge amounts of calories. Or if you do cook, cook double so you can stash another meal in the freezer or fridge. Don't buy food loaded in fat and calories that you have a weakness for. If you love cookies and could pass on brownies, make sure you stock your cupboards with Brownie mix so even if you do have to make sweets, you won't eat the whole pan.
PLAN! PLAN! PLAN! When you work a full time job or wrangling kids all day, the last thing you feel like is cooking a meal. So you fall into the trap of going to the fast food joints where each meal is usually run from 700 to 2000 calories. However, reheating food doesn't seem terrible does it? By cooking all of your meals on your day off for the week, you can come home and reheat saving yourself huge amounts of calories. Or if you do cook, cook double so you can stash another meal in the freezer or fridge. Don't buy food loaded in fat and calories that you have a weakness for. If you love cookies and could pass on brownies, make sure you stock your cupboards with Brownie mix so even if you do have to make sweets, you won't eat the whole pan.
Avoid eating when you're bored. Find something you enjoy doing, sewing, playing computer games, reading, anything that you can keep you busy instead of eating. Boredom eating can quickly insert five hundred to 1000 calories into your diet that you really didn't want in the first place.
Avoid eating when you're bored. Find something you enjoy doing, sewing, playing computer games, reading, anything that you can keep you busy instead of eating. Boredom eating can quickly insert five hundred to 1000 calories into your diet that you really didn't want in the first place.
Circuit training where you keep your heart rate up burns the most calories a day. With a combination of aerobics and strength training, each day the pound will melt away from your body. BUT, if you hate aerobics, or running or swimming, find something you do like. Play the WII, or Kindest games for twenty minutes or an hour, walk the dog, go dancing, chase your kids at the park or in the house, and do anything to get off the couch.
Circuit training where you keep your heart rate up burns the most calories a day. With a combination of aerobics and strength training, each day the pound will melt away from your body. BUT, if you hate aerobics, or running or swimming, find something you do like. Play the WII, or Kindest games for twenty minutes or an hour, walk the dog, go dancing, chase your kids at the park or in the house, and do anything to get off the couch.
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